

Linear prediction is a method for signal source modelling dominant in speech signal processing and having wide application in other areas.  Starting with a demonstration of the relationship between linear prediction and the general difference equation for linear systems, the unit shows how the linear prediction equations are formulated and solved.  The unit then discusses the use of linear prediction for modelling the source of a signal and the signal spectrum.


When you have worked through this unit you should:

·      understand how linear prediction can provide a model of a signal source

·      be able to state the operational limitations of the modelling

·      understand in qualitative terms how the equations are solved on a computer system

·      know how and when to use linear prediction as an alternative to spectral analysis by the Fourier transform




Nature of linear prediction


The object of linear prediction is to form a model of a linear time-invariant digital system through observation of input and output sequences.  That is: to estimate a set of coefficients which will describe the behaviour of an LTI system when its design is not available to us and we cannot choose what input to present.


Specifically, linear prediction calculates a set of coefficients which provide an estimate - or a prediction - for a forthcoming output sample y'[n] given knowledge of previous input (x[]) and/or output (y[]) samples:



Where a and b are called predictor coefficients.  It is immediately clear that this estimate of the next output sample given the predictor coefficients and previous input and output samples is directly related to the general system difference equation we met in Unit 4.  Even though we might not know the order of some LTI system, such an estimator is an inherently sensible way to model its properties.


The commonest form of linear prediction used in signal processing is one in which the a coefficients are zero, so that the output estimate is made entirely on the basis of previous output samples:




This is called an all-pole model, which may be seen by analogy with the frequency response equations of LTI systems.  The use of an all pole model is motivated by a number of reasons:

(i)         we often do not have access to the input sequence,

(ii)        many simple signal sources are faithfully modelled by an all-pole model,

(iii)       the all-pole model gives a system of equations which may be efficiently solved.


The relation of the linear predictor equation with the LTI system equation may be more readily understood by introducing a predictor error signal e[n], defined as the difference between the real output and the prediction:



Hence we may write:



giving us a formulation in which the error signal takes the role of the excitation signal, and the predictor coefficients define the filter.


Solution of linear prediction equations


To estimate the predictor coefficients bk we first observe the behaviour of the system over N samples, and set the order q of the predictor required (usually N is much greater than q).  We calculate the predictor coefficients by finding values which minimise the energy in the error signal over the N samples[1].  This is called a least-squares minimisation, and leads to a system of q equations in q unknowns which may be solved to find the best fitting predictor coefficients:



Where b0 is taken to be 1.


There are a number of methods for finding the solution to this system of linear equations.  The formulation above is sometimes known as the covariance formulation and is appropriate when estimating coefficients from a sample of a non-stationary signal.  If instead we assume that the signal is zero outside the N sample region, we can find a simpler formulation:



This is called the autocorrelation formulation, since it contains components equivalent to the autocorrelation coefficient ri defined as:



The autocorrelation formulation of the least squares fit of the predictor coefficients produces a system of linear equations which can be represented in matrix form and solved using standard methods such as Gaussian elimination.  See LPCSolve().


However the autocorrelation system of equations can be solved much more efficiently since the autocorrelation coefficients in the matrix form of the equations have a very simple and symmetric structure.  This allows for a recursive solution procedure in which each predictor coefficient may be derived in turn and used to calculate the next coefficient.  This is the dominant method for solving the linear prediction equations, and is usually credited to Levinson and Durbin.  See LPCAutocorrelation().


Spectrum Modelling


The determination of the b coefficients from some section of signal provides us with an all-pole filter that characterises the source on the assumption that the input signal is white (i.e. has a flat spectrum).  Thus the frequency response of the derived filter gives a smooth model of the signal spectrum under the predictor assumptions.  See Example program 9.2.




T. Parsons, Voice and Speech Processing, McGraw-Hill 1987, Ch 6.

Markel & Grey, Linear Prediction of Speech, Springer-Verlag, 1976.




Algorithm 8.1      Linear Prediction Solution - Direct Method


// lpcsolve.cpp - elementary solution of LPC equations


// C++ © 1996 Mark Huckvale University College London


#include “tools.h”

#include “ltisys.h”

#include “lpcsolve.h”


// smallest allowable value

const double EPSILON=1.0E-10;


// Solve set of simultaneous linear equations

//   by Gauss-Jordan elimination

double MatrixSolve(

       Equation *mat,       // matrix of equations: n rows x (n+1) cols

       int n                // matrix size

       )                    // returns determinant


       double det=1.0;      // determinant


       // Gauss-Jordan elimination

       for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) {   // for each row


              // find pivot row from max column entry

              double max = 0;      // maximum value in column

              int pos = 1;         // position of pivot column

              for (int j=i;j<=n;j++)

                     if (fabs(mat[j][i]) > max) {

                           max = fabs(mat[j][i]);

                           pos = j;



              // check for column of zeros

              if (max < EPSILON) return(0.0);


              // transpose current row with pivot row

              //   and normalise diagonal element to unity

              max = mat[pos][i];

              for (int j=1;j<=n+1;j++) {

                     double temp = mat[pos][j];

                     mat[pos][j] = mat[i][j];

                     mat[i][j] = temp/max;



              // keep record of determinant

              if (i!=pos)

                     det = det * -max;


                     det = det * max;


              // reduce matrix by dividing through by row

              for (int k=1;k<=n;k++) if (k!=i) {

                     double val = mat[k][i];

                     for (int j=i;j<=n+1;j++)

                           mat[k][j] = mat[k][j] -

                                         val * mat[i][j];




       // return determinant

       return det;



// set up and solve LPC equations

int    LPCSolve(

       Waveform x,          // windowed input signal

       int order,           // predictor order required

       LTISystem& ltis            // returned predictor coefficients

       )                    // returns 0=OK, 1=zero power, 2=fail


       // compute autocorrelations

       double *r = new double[order+1];

       for (int i=0;i<=order;i++) {

              double sum = 0;

              for (int k=1;k<=x.count()-i;k++)

                     sum += x[k] * x[k+i];

              r[i] = sum;



       // build set of linear equations

       Equation *mat = new Equation[order+1];   // builds NxN+1 matrix

       for (int i=1;i<=order;i++)

              for (int j=1;j<=order;j++)

                     mat[i][j] = r[abs(i-j)];

       for (int i=1;i<=order;i++)

              mat[i][order+1] = -r[i];


       // free autocorrelation array

       delete [] r;


       // solve them

       if (MatrixSolve(mat,order)==0) {

              delete [] mat;

              return -1;           // fail



       // copy coefficients into LTI System

       ltis = LTISystem(0,order);

       ltis.a[0] = 1.0;

       for (int i=1;i<=order;i++)

              ltis.b[i] = mat[i][order+1];


       // OK

       delete [] mat;

       return 0;



            Algorithm 8.2  Linear Prediction Solution - Autocorrelation Method


// lpcauto.cpp - compute linear predictor coefficients by autocorrelation


// C++ © 1996 Mark Huckvale University College London


#include “tools.h”

#include “ltisys.h”

#include “lpcauto.h”


//     LPCAutocorrelation() Form autocorrelation vector and then

//                         solve the normal equations using the

//                         Levinson (Durbin) recursion

//     Translated from the routine LPCA written in FORTRAN

//     by T.Parsons “Voice and Speech Processing” McGraw-Hill 1987




int    LPCAutocorrelation(

       Waveform x,          // windowed input signal

       int order,           // predictor order required

       LTISystem& ltis,     // returned predictor coefficients

       double& pe           // returned predictor error

       )                    // returns 0=OK, 1=zero power, 2=fail


       // compute autocorrelations

       double *r = new double[order+1];  // temporary array

       for (int i=0;i<=order;i++) {

              double sum = 0;

              for (int k=1;k<=x.count()-i;k++)

                     sum += x[k] * x[k+i];

              r[i] = sum;



       // check power in signal

       if (r[0] == 0) {

              delete [] r;

              return 1;                  // no signal !!



       // compute predictor coefficients

       double *pc = new double[order+1]; // temporary array

       pe = r[0];           // initialise error to total power

       pc[0] = 1.0;         // first coefficient (b[0]) must = 1


       // for each coefficient in turn

       for (int k=1;k<=order;k++) {


              // find next coeff from pc[] and r[]

              double sum = 0;

              for (int i=1;i<=k;i++)

                     sum -= pc[k-i] * r[i];

              pc[k] = sum/pe;


              // perform recursion on pc[]

              for (int i=1;i<=k/2;i++) {

                     double pci  = pc[i] + pc[k] * pc[k-i];

                     double pcki = pc[k-i] + pc[k] * pc[i];

                     pc[i] = pci;

                     pc[k-i] = pcki;



              // calculate residual error

              pe = pe * (1.0 - pc[k]*pc[k]);

              if (pe <= 0) {

                     delete [] r;

                     delete [] pc;

                     return 2;            // no power left in signal!




       // copy coefficients into LTI System

       ltis = LTISystem(0,order);

       ltis.a[0] = 1.0;

       for (int i=1;i<=order;i++)

              ltis.b[i] = pc[i];


       delete [] r;

       delete [] pc;

       return 0;                         // return OK




Example Programs


            Example 8.1    Demonstration of Linear Prediction


// lpcaut_t.cpp - test LPCAutocorrelation()


#include "tools.h"

#include "ltisys.h"

#include "lpcauto.h"


// constants

const int WINDOWSIZE=32;

const int NCOEFF=4;

const double C1=0.16,C2=-0.12,C3=0.08,C4=-0.04;


int main()


       Waveform iwin(WINDOWSIZE,1);


       // make a test signal from recursive filter

       iwin[1] = 0.75;      // put in pulse of power sqr(0.75)

       for (int i=2;i<=WINDOWSIZE;i++)

              iwin[i] = -C1 * iwin[i-1] - C2 * iwin[i-2] -

                           C3 * iwin[i-3] - C4 * iwin[i-4];

                           // exploits bad index capability


       // do LPC analysis

       LTISystem osys(0,0);

       double pe;

       if (LPCAutocorrelation(iwin,NCOEFF,osys,pe)==0) {

              cout << "Predictor coefficients:\n";

              for (int i=1;i<=NCOEFF;i++)

                     cout << "Coeff " << i << " = " << osys.b[i] << "\n";

              cout << "Residual error = " << pe << "\n";



              cerr << "LPC analysis fails\n";



            Output from lpcaut_t.cpp:


Predictor coefficients:

Coeff 1 = 0.16

Coeff 2 = -0.12

Coeff 3 = 0.08

Coeff 4 = -0.04

Residual error = 0.5625


            Example 8.2    Linear Prediction Spectrum


// lspect_t.cpp - demonstrate LPC spectrum


#include "tools.h"

#include "quantise.h"

#include "ltisys.h"

#include "cfft.h"

#include "window.h"

#include "annot.h"

#include "lpcauto.h"


const char *FILENAME="/users/mark/trial";

const char *SPITEMNO="sp";

const char *ANITEMNO="an";

const char *ANLABEL="I";


// load waveform sample from test signal

Waveform ReadSample()


       // read in annotation

       AnnotationList anlist;

       if (anlist.load(FILENAME,ANITEMNO)!=0) {

              cerr << "Could not find annotations\n";




       // find annotation

       Annotation an = anlist.find(ANLABEL);

       if (!an.name) {

              cerr << "Could not find annotation\n";




       // load appropriate section

       Signal isig(1,1.0);



       // convert to waveform

       Waveform iwv = MakeCont(isig,0.001);

       return iwv;



int main()


       // set up graphs

       Graph gr(3,1,"LPC Spectrum");


       // load sample waveform

       Waveform iwv = ReadSample();


       // window with Hamming window

       iwv = Hamming(iwv);


       // plot waveform

       iwv.plot(gr,1,"Speech Sample");


       // perform FFT on windowed signal

       ComplexWaveform cwv = WaveformToComplexWaveform(iwv);

       Spectrum sp = ComplexFFT(cwv);


       // plot FFT spectrum

       (sp.half()).plotLogMag(gr,2,"DFT Spectrum");




       // perform LPC Analysis

       int ncoeff = 2+(int)(iwv.rate()/1000);          // rule of thumb

       LTISystem osys(0,0);

       double pe;

       if (LPCAutocorrelation(iwv,ncoeff,osys,pe)==0) {


              // calculate frequency response of filter

              Spectrum fresp(500,1000/iwv.rate());

              for (int i=0;i<500;i++)

                     fresp[i] = osys.response(i/1000.0);


              // plot frequency response

              fresp.plotLogMag(gr,3,"LPC Magnitude Response");








8.1       Generate a whispered vowel by passing noise through 3 resonators at say 500, 1500 and 2500Hz (with 100Hz bandwidths) and then use LPC to estimate the frequencies of the resonators from the signal.  Display the signal, the FFT spectrum and the LPC spectrum as in Example 8.2.  How might you find the exact locations of the peaks in the LPC spectrum?


[1] This is equivalent to flattening the spectrum of the error signal.