University College London Department of Phonetics and Linguistics

MA Phonetics programme

Reading list

0. General linguistics | 1. General phonetics | 2. Experimental phonetics | 3. Phonetics and phonology of English | 4a. Intonation | 4b. Varieties of English | 5. Writing your dissertation | 6. Audio resources on the web

0. General linguistics

Any of the following will give you an accessible introduction to the field, allowing you to place phonetics and phonology within a wider linguistic framework.

1. General phonetics

The following are all sound theoretical introductions, of increasing complexity.

You need to become acquainted with the vast phonetic range of the world's languages.

The following take a practical approach, with plenty of performance exercises.

2. Experimental phonetics

3. Phonetics and phonology of English

A pronunciation dictionary is always useful.

4a. Intonation

These books deal with 'prosodic' (suprasegmental) phenomena such as stress, rhythm and intonation.

4b. Varieties of English

These are important if you want to explore varieties of English beyond RP.

5. Writing your dissertation

6. Audio and other resources on the web

JEH/JCW 2001 09 07 Last revised 2005 10 06

MA Phonetics programme

Most of the cover shots are taken from the website. You can buy the books there.