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Background Documentation

SFS User Manual

  1. Command line tutorial
  2. Files
  3. Utility programs
  4. Data types
  5. Speech Measurement Language
  6. SFS Scripting

SFS Programmers Manual

  1. Example Program
  2. Data Structures
  3. Processing
  4. Standards
  5. Subroutine reference

SFS Program Manual Pages

SFS Languages Manual Pages

SFS Library Manual Pages

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ESYNTH - Harmonic analysis/synthesis teaching tool

ESynth is a free program designed to explain the harmonic analysis and synthesis of signals. With ESynth you can create signals by adding together individual sinusoidal waveforms (sinewaves) and study the resulting waveform and spectrum. You can also perform an analysis of an input waveform, to see how a given sound can be represented in terms of a sum of sinewaves. More information.

EFxHist - Fundamental Frequency Histograms

EFxHist is a program to analyse joint speech and laryngograph recordings. EFxHist locates each pitch period in the laryngograph waveform and produces statistical analyses including distributions of fundamental frequency, closed-quotient, jitter and shimmer. More information.