-I Identify program name and version number.
-f start (stop) Specify the first and (optionally) last tone frequency in Hertz. Default 1000Hz.
-a start (stop) Specify the first and (optionally) last tone amplitude in dB with respect to a signal with a peak amplitude of 1. Default 70dB. Maximum 90dB.
-n number Specify the number of tones to produce. Default 1.
-c controlfile Specify the frequency and tone of each beep in a control file. The file consists of one line per beep, with the first number on the line specifying the frequency in Hertz, and the second the amplitude in dB.
-o sfsfile Save the resulting signal into an SFS file instead of replaying. Default is to replay.
-r samplerate Specify the output sampling rate. Default 20000Hz.
-d duration Specify the duration of each beep in seconds. Default 0.5 seconds.
-g gapduration Specify the duration of the gap between beeps in seconds. Default 0.5 seconds.
-R ramptime Specify the time to ramp the amplitude at the ends of the beep in seconds. Default 0.05 seconds.
-l Use logarithmic frequency steps. Default linear;
-v Verbose. Report details of signal generated.
SPEECH Beep sequence.
fstart= Starting frequency.
fend= Ending frequency.
astart= Starting amplitude.
aend= Ending amplitude.
file= Control filename.
srate= Sampling rate.
dur= Beep duration.
gap= Gap duration.
ramp= Ramp duration.
1.0 Mark Huckvale