The source file "<synth>.spk" must contain a legal K-SPAN program with its main procedure called SYNTH(). The kspan script concatenates a K-SPAN definition header with the supplied file to generate a C-language source file which is then compiled and linked with the K-SPAN run-time modules to create an executable program called "<synth>". Thus a K-SPAN file called "test.spk" creates a program called "test". To save the macro processed output from kspan use the switch "-p", the C pre-processor output will be produced in a file <synth>.i.
K-SPAN programs have a common command-line interface:
<synth> (-I) outparm.synwith the following options:
-I Identify program name and version number.
When the compiles K-SPAN program is executed, it generates a list of Klatt synthesizer control parameters into the file outparm.syn in a file format compatible with the program klattsyn.
kspandrv.h Include file for compiling K-SPAN programs.
kspandrv.obj K-SPAN run-time sytem.
1.0 M.A.Huckvale