Control data for the change in prosody is specified by a text file in MBROLA format. This file consists of a series of lines, one per annotated segment in the target file. Each line contains: segment label, new segment duration in ms, new fx contour specified as series of pairs: % position through segment, fx value in Hz. The segment label '_' matches initial or final silence in the file.
-I Identify program name and version number.
-i item Select input item number.
-m MBROLAcontolfile Specify MBROLA format control file for prosody change.
-O txoffset Shift TX with respect to speech (0.001s is typical value). Default 0.
-P txpercent Reduce pitch windows to this %age of available time. Deafult 100.
-j Add pitch jitter to hide artifacts.
-v Verbose mode.
SP Speech item
TX Pitch epochs.
AN Segment labels.
SP Prosody changed speech
MBROLA= MBROLA format control file.
1.0 Mark Huckvale