resamp - resample waveform to new rate


resamp (-I) (-i item) (-F) (-f new_sampfreq) file


resamp returns a new item sampled at a different frequency. The new and old sampling rates should be related by a simple rational number. The sampling rate change is done in stages, each stage involves going up n times in frequency and down d times. n and d are determined automatically at each stage. Filtering may be done using

1) IIR elliptic filters with passband ripple and stopband attenuation of 0.2db and approx 80db respectively.(default)

2) or FIR filters with passband ripple and stopband attenuation of 0.2db and approx 70db respectively. (-F flag has to be used)

Options and their meanings are:

-I Identify program and exit.

-i item Select input item type and subtype.

-f new_sampfreq Specify integer sampling rate in Hz.

-F (null) Use FIR filters instead of IIR.


The new sampling rate should always be different from the old. If the new sampling rate results in very large interpolation or decimation factors, the filters designed by this program will be almost unstable if IIR. Arithmetic errors would then cause problems.

If FIR these filters might not have been designed.


1.xx 2.xx Any waveform item


1. 2. The same item as input


1.1 - K Frimpong-Ansah (17/3/87)
2.0 - Mark Huckvale
Fri Jul 09 14:54:32 2004