splist - save speech data in a variety of formats


wave (-i item) (-t format) (-a) (-o outfile) (-s) (-8) sfsfile


splist is a program to extract waveform data from speech and lx items. The selected data set is either printed on the standard output as a sequence of numbers or stored in a foreign format datafile. An option reverses the byte order in binary files for waveforms.

Options and their meanings are:

-I Identify program and exit.

-i item Select input item.

-t type Select output file format. Available are: RAW (binary), WAV or RIFF (Microsoft RIFF format), VOC (Creative Labs), AU (Sun), AIFF (Audio Interchange), HTK (Hidden Markov Model Toolkit), ILS (Interactive Laboratory System), SPS (Entropic Signal Processing System)..

-o datafile Store the contents of the data set in the file datafile rather than listing them on the standard output.

-a (Binary file output only) With -t RAW switch, appends data to file.

-s (Binary file output only) swap byte order in binary file. Default is native machine order, or as required by foreign file format.

-8 (WAV, VOC, AU formats only) Save top 8-bits of samples only.


SP Any speech item.

LX Any excitation item.


1.0 - Mark Huckvale.
Fri Jul 09 14:54:33 2004