-I Identify program name and version number.
-l Two channel acquisition into Speech and Lx. Default Speech only. -f sfreq Select sampling rate. Note that the SPARC-10 audio only supports the following frequencies: 8000, 9600, 11025, 16000, 18900, 22050, 32000, 37800, 44100, and 48000Hz. Default 16000Hz.
-t time Select the number of seconds to acquire. Default waits for user to press [RETURN] to stop.
-m Select microphone input. Default: line input.
-M Don't monitor recording through Sun speaker. Default: monitor line input through speaker.
SPEECH Speech waveform
LX (Optional) Laryngograph waveform.
sfreq Sampling frequency
/dev/audio Sun audio device
0.1 Mark Huckvale